Throughout the project, discussions were held during the training sessions, after them, at the focus groups, round-table and the Final Conference with the aim to discuss the training material, learning methods applied and to come up with the policy and practice recommendations which can help better promotion of social and financial education in Serbia, but also active learning, peer education and horizontal learning methods.
Advocacy Round-table
Advocacy round-table was organised in Belgrade, on the 5th of November 2020 to present the draft policy and practice recommendations and lobby for their further development and mainstreaming. These draft recommendations were a result of gathered reflections on the needs of both young people and youth workers regardless whether they were coming from the formal or nonformal education systems. The draft recommendations were discussed both in the plenary conversation and in working groups to focus more on two most important aspects: the content of the programmes for social and financial education on one side, the recommended models of learning and transferring knowledge and skills whilst inspiring and provoking changes in attitudes and opinions on the other side. All the discussions led to the second draft of the recommendations that was finalised and adopted at the Final Conference.
Final Conference
The Final Conference was held in Belgrade on November the 10th, 2021. It gathered 70 people from various parts of Serbia, representatives of all four partners and of different types of stakeholders. It served as major advocacy event - in addition to promoting the importance of entrepreneurial learning and active social participation of young people, it also advocated for improved recognition of skills and knowledge acquired through non-formal and flexible learning pathways, for more international exchanges and study visits and greater inter-generational involvement in different learning activities.
The conference was also utilised as dissemination platform for all project outputs and outcomes and supporting resources like Aflateen and Life Skills Digital platform. During the Conference, final draft of the policy and practice recommendations was presented, discussed and approved.